Tuesday, January 11, 2022

January 11th, 2022

       I worked on a trading floor for five decades. Well…. I snuck the last decade in with two and a half months. Then Covid closed it down, but technically five decades.

     If I learned anything it was how to walk through a fire. It was a chaotic work place where you learned to manage time, maneuver markets and catch whatever was thrown at you.

                           We don’t walk through fire very often in life.
    Last month some of us had tangled Christmas tree lights. How did you deal with it?
    Did you go to O’hare for a flight only to find out it was canceled? How did you handle it?
     You are late for work and the train gates just went down….How did you get through it?
These are examples of walking through a fire. Did we come out calm or come out frustrated?

       Yesterday I posted a picture of a peanut butter and jelly smooshed with potato chips. It touched more people than I thought and evoked childhood memories for so many. I was surprised at how many of you guys posted happy stories.
               I also told a story that Took place in 1982.
         So let’s evoke more memories and go back to 1982…
   Olivia Newton John had the number one single. We had a Polish pope. A former actor was our President and Maggie was the Prime Minister.
1982…. A different world!
               Enjoy the later sunset and the rise in temperatures…. Slightly, but something to build a dream on! 

Catholic school lettuce!
Peanut butter and jelly with potato chips!
Monday Lunch!