Tuesday, January 18, 2022

January 16th, 2022

 I woke up this morning to “Dad, do you have a tissue?”

That is definitely a good way to wake up!
Its even better than, “John, I’m going to put my clothes on and make us some bacon.”
Now that I’m happy I need to make a bunch of you happy and then
You pass it forward.
It’s kind of like that commercial when we were kids….
“I told two friends and they told two friends and they told two friends and so on and so on and so on…..”
My mom would turn the sound down when that commercial came on. She also hated when Tattoo would ring the bell and yell, “de plane, de plane!”
You light one candle and that one candle can light many more. Sister Francis Irene said this in second grade.
Most kids in class saw this as how Jesus started out the whole Christian thing and why We had to get up and serve 7:15am mass.
I saw it as an excuse to go home and play with matches in the alley.
Speaking of Jesus…. Our Jewish brothers and sisters had a horseshit Saturday. Give them a call. Let them know we are with them!
Hatred and Terrorism just love to blow out our candles!
….buy a bigger box of matches and make Sister Francis Irene happy!
Speaking of happy….. talk around the campfire is Forest Park is having the Saint Patrick Day Parade on Saturday, March 5th!
Shepkids will be with their MomMom that weekend and I’m buying a new blue ribbon to wear under my kilt!
See you at Shanahans!