Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January 2nd, 2022

 I learned of the passing of a great man on a snowy wintry Saturday afternoon.

So I thought it fitting to quote a line from a Robert Frost poem that pulls nature and death together.
I haven’t seen Steve Ahlrichs in probably 30 years. We graduated high school together. Though it’s been since the Reagan years that our paths crossed I always had good memories of him.
The eight year period that I lived in Indianapolis was the worst time of my life. I didn’t belong there, it wasn’t my home. Though fortunately a few kind people befriended a trouble maker from Chicago. Steve was one of them.
Facebook, the evil end of the world brought us back into contact. It has brought me back with many of my Indianapolis friends….. and that’s a good thing.
I’m not going into the details of who this guy turned out to be… let’s just say he continued to be a kind and loving man. Just like the kid I met forty years ago at Dear Old Cathedral….
I just said yesterday on the Chalkboard that 2022 will bring the loss of loved ones… I didn’t think it would be so soon.
I’ll attach the whole poem below… a poem Steve and I read in John Young’s class many years ago.