Am I the only one that took the direction of a band from Athens, Georgia?
The last ten years or so I’ve been caught saying that I’ve lost my religion, but my Faith in God has become stronger.I haven’t totally lost my religion. I’ve become a regular at 9:30 Mass….. on WGN.
When a guy asks me what parish I’m at I reply, Saint Beads of the Broadcast.
I think mass started becoming “Look at Me, Look at Me! Front pew baby!”
When really…..
Going to mass is opening your front door and making everyone you encounter during the day feel better.
Faith….. no matter how strong it is will always be questioned. That’s why it’s called the mystery of our Faith.
If you used Logic… the foundation of your Faith would start getting chipped away.
And Logic?
I started using Logic in 1979 when another band… this one from London told me “There are times when all the world's asleep, The questions run too deep for such a simple man!”
We might get a little snow here and there…. Betty my Blazer needs a bath! She’s real salty these days.
I leave you with one last question.
Have any of you a clue what the hell Pretty young things do with a tenderoni?
Can you put it on a pizza?
Can you put it on a pizza?