I have friends moving to Florida, Texas, Arizona and even Colorado.
Typical Chicago guy who happens to be juggling fatherhood and bachelorhood. An old trading floor broker that drives around in Betty the Green Blazer and lives by a river. Most of the stories are life lessons that will make you Laugh, Cry and Think. The "Chalkboard" is a daily post from the blackboard hanging in my kitchen. It has become my therapeutic tool that starts the morning with accomplishment and a positive beginning to the day. All Chalkheads are welcome to enjoy the ride.
Monday, January 31, 2022
January 31st, 2022
January 30th, 2022
The definition of humility is standing in front of a urinal with cold hands.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
January 29th, 2022
I think the only thing I’m scared of these days is if my car doesn’t start in the morning.
Friday, January 28, 2022
January 28th, 2022
I have a PhD in Stupidity. My education in mistakes has been something that always came easily.
I can hear my dad saying I have a horseshoe stuck up my backside. Because things have always turned out alright.Live and Learn Baby!
It is the last weekend of January 2022. One month in the books.
Sunsets after 5:00pm and in about five weeks we move the clocks ahead.
Lake-Effect snow will make for a messy morning commute. Take it easy and or leave early.
It is blueberry pancake day. Brokers Inn made the best that I ever tasted. Just another restaurant that no longer exists.
Shepkids weekend and I happily become a short order cook!
Don’t be afraid to do stupid things. Just make sure you act your age…
Thursday, January 27, 2022
A letter to Leanne S.
Dear Leanne,
Whenever I hear 'six o'clock already and I was just in the middle of a dream, I was kissing Valentino by a crystal blue, Italian stream." I think of you....
"John Shepley, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?" was the question you poised to me when the markets were loud and we were naïve. I didn't have a firm answer and you continued your life making yourself better as I stood back in the chaos of bids and offers.
We continued to cross paths in the prairie that Frank Lloyd designed and the buildings near the lake. You would ask me the same question and I still didn't have the answer that you wished for. The real world moved along and our paths still ran parallel through the last years of the twentieth century.
The decade of the nineties was nearing an end and my answer to your question was starting to become more clear and more stable. We crossed paths one last time before the havoc of Y2K arose.
Your trust in me was stronger with the façade I hid behind which gave you the stability that you wanted from me. Something I did not possess the decade before and I still did not have.
We finally kissed.... we finally held each other and brightened the stars above and gave passion to time. I was given purpose and someone to thrive to satisfy and make happy. That was you Leanne..
The night finally came when we would celebrate the New Year, a new beginning. The neighbor told me you waited at the door for me as I sat alone at the pub. Smoking a cigar and drinking beer hiding from a future with you.
"Don't you have somewhere to go, someone to be with?" asked the bartender. I waited just long enough for you to drive away in shame. Angry....knowing that John Shepley still doesn't know what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.
The years passed into the twenty first century and I stumbled into a beautiful family. A family started with the next woman that asked me what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I gave her an answer that satisfied her. Our love was built on sand and gave way to the tide.
I still didn't have the answer, but I had three children that trusted and loved me. I also still lived in a world with manic Mondays and YOU.
The next time we talked you didn't ask me what I wanted to do with my life. You didn't ask me why I left you there pounding at the door while I hid. You still gave me value that I didn't deserve.
Leanne, our lives might have come together going into the next millennium, but I never had the strength to give it the chance you deserved. It was probably for the better.
I ask for your forgiveness and I will truthfully answer that I don't know what I plan on doing with the rest of my life. I do know I regret not letting you better my world when the opportunity was given to me.
I will always tingle when I think of your oval eyes and wide smile when you say my name.
You make the world a place full of song with sunny prairies and in the center is a cluster of shade trees that I lost on a cold New Years Eve...
Forever ashamed that I didn't give you the right answer, but grateful to share a moment with you. If our paths cross again and you offer a hand to hold, I will hold it tight and never let go.
I hope someday to walk into the auditorium that your voice fills with song.
John Shepley
January 27th, 2022
My Oldman often said the two biggest gifts a man can receive in his lifetime is the trust of a child and the love of a woman…. “Don’t f*** that up son!”
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
January 26th, 2022
Guilty as charged…
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
January 25th, 2022
It is three degrees this morning and the last thing I’m going to try and figure out is how and where my soul is going.
January 24th, 2022
The times we are living in have placed more weight upon our shoulders. Stress has been growing heavier the last few years.
January 23, 2022
I just erased three paragraphs of things we don’t need to harp on this morning.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
January 22nd, 2022
Am I the only one that took the direction of a band from Athens, Georgia?
The last ten years or so I’ve been caught saying that I’ve lost my religion, but my Faith in God has become stronger.I haven’t totally lost my religion. I’ve become a regular at 9:30 Mass….. on WGN.
When a guy asks me what parish I’m at I reply, Saint Beads of the Broadcast.
I think mass started becoming “Look at Me, Look at Me! Front pew baby!”
When really…..
Going to mass is opening your front door and making everyone you encounter during the day feel better.
Faith….. no matter how strong it is will always be questioned. That’s why it’s called the mystery of our Faith.
If you used Logic… the foundation of your Faith would start getting chipped away.
And Logic?
I started using Logic in 1979 when another band… this one from London told me “There are times when all the world's asleep, The questions run too deep for such a simple man!”
We might get a little snow here and there…. Betty my Blazer needs a bath! She’s real salty these days.
I leave you with one last question.
Can you put it on a pizza?
Friday, January 21, 2022
January 21st, 2022
Let it play out!
Thursday, January 20, 2022
January 20th, 2022
My Oldman often said that I was going to make mistakes in life.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
January 19th, 2022
My dad and I planted a tree in the front yard in 1984. We started putting Christmas lights on the branches in 1989. We did so every year until the tree got to tall.
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
January 18th, 2022
Man of few words today.
January 17th, 2022
If I had a DeLorean that traveled in time I’d go three places.
January 16th, 2022
I woke up this morning to “Dad, do you have a tissue?”
January 15th, 2022
I don’t know what the hell normal is…. 98.6?
January 14th, 2022
The Morning Chalkboard is a late edition today.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
January 13th, 2022
In August of 2006 my life changed for the better. I was forty years old and I finally became a man. I became a father.....
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
January 12th, 2022
I’ve met a lot of guys that were born on third base, but thought they hit a triple. Born in to a family that had more advantages than others.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
January 11th, 2022
I worked on a trading floor for five decades. Well…. I snuck the last decade in with two and a half months. Then Covid closed it down, but technically five decades.
If I learned anything it was how to walk through a fire. It was a chaotic work place where you learned to manage time, maneuver markets and catch whatever was thrown at you.We don’t walk through fire very often in life.
Last month some of us had tangled Christmas tree lights. How did you deal with it?
Did you go to O’hare for a flight only to find out it was canceled? How did you handle it?
You are late for work and the train gates just went down….How did you get through it?
These are examples of walking through a fire. Did we come out calm or come out frustrated?
Yesterday I posted a picture of a peanut butter and jelly smooshed with potato chips. It touched more people than I thought and evoked childhood memories for so many. I was surprised at how many of you guys posted happy stories.
I also told a story that Took place in 1982.
So let’s evoke more memories and go back to 1982…
Olivia Newton John had the number one single. We had a Polish pope. A former actor was our President and Maggie was the Prime Minister.
1982…. A different world!
Enjoy the later sunset and the rise in temperatures…. Slightly, but something to build a dream on!