I was never able to master the pro level on that hand held electronic football game that came out in 1978. I always kicked ass on level two, but never on level one.
Not one victory on level one of that plastic piece of crap!
I did hold my ex wife’s head in my hand and her leg on my shoulder three times during birth. Glorious!
I did have both my parents tell me they are proud of me before they died. Glorious!
I did have a 25 year old man tell me that he has lived by many of my quotes from when I coached him in 7th/8th football. Glorious!
Before I die I’m going to beat those little red LED bleeping lights on that
Little piece of crap!
Last night the high school that I graduated from won state, again! Congratulations goes out to The Indianapolis Cathedral Fighting Irish.
Today the high school I should have graduated from (parents divorce) the Fenwick Friars are playing in their first state championship. Play well today Gentlemen.