Today is a history lesson. It’s the day I warned you about earlier in the week.
If you put the radio on today you’ll here the song by Gordon Lightfoot that tells of a shipwreck in 1975.I was in fourth grade when the Edmund Fitzgerald crashed. For some reason the loss of 29 men hit me really hard. I drew pictures of it, I made a model of it. The next week my mom and I walked over to Lake Michigan and threw flowers that we bought at Jewels into the waves.
Today is The United States Marine Corps birthday, November 10th, 1775. Happy Birthday! Thank you for all you do.
Today is also “National Vanilla Cupcake Day.” This is the day we write Illinois Governor JB Pritzker to tell him how he is doing as Governor of Illinois.
Enjoy today…. The meteorologists are calling for a blast of November this weekend! November weather in November? UGH........