I’ve got a girl on here that lost her mom last week. I have at least a half a dozen of you on here that lost a parent in the last year. I’ve got several of you that have survived cancer recently. I have a couple on here with a son who is confined to a wheelchair. I have a Chalkhead who lost a spouse this year. I have a relative on here who has a spouse that is slipping into dementia.
Typical Chicago guy who happens to be juggling fatherhood and bachelorhood. An old trading floor broker that drives around in Betty the Green Blazer and lives by a river. Most of the stories are life lessons that will make you Laugh, Cry and Think. The "Chalkboard" is a daily post from the blackboard hanging in my kitchen. It has become my therapeutic tool that starts the morning with accomplishment and a positive beginning to the day. All Chalkheads are welcome to enjoy the ride.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
May 25th, 2023
These aren’t things that we ask for, but this is what life is all about. These are the everyday heroes. These are the people that survive on courage.
I’ve told you guys how much I love seeing your posts from weddings, First Communions, Baptisms, Bar Mitzvahs, proms, graduations…. All the great milestones celebrated in life.
These are the events that keep our heads bouncing above the water.
One of my dearest friends is going to watch his daughter graduate this week, but in the same timeframe take his mom to chemo. This person thrives on courage to make these things balance out.
I have a friend who hugs her friends when she sees them. I mean she hugs them every time and hugs them tight. She is a teacher that has passion for the education of her students. She had to bury her oldest child earlier this year. No parent should ever have to lose their child. She has the courage to get up and teach, be a mom and hug me every time I see her.
This weekend we will honor those that have lost their lives protecting our country. Men and woman that had the courage to defend my fat ass from commies, islamic terrorists, japs and nazis. Their last breath took all the courage that they possessed.
This morning I want to honor all of you that have the courage to deal with something that is causing stress, fear or pain in your daily life.
We sure as fuck didn’t sign up for this shit. When we got yelled at to take our elbows off the dining room table, we didn’t think we’d be tucking that persons elbows into a casket. One moment our parents are taking us to little league and the next moment we are taking them to a cemetery…. And in between that flash of time life happens that makes us muster up the courage to live another day.
Today’s Chalkboard honors your courage that boldly gets you through your battles. Like they say on the rugby pitch…..
….WITH YOU!!!!
Today is National Wine Day, the official one made by people sitting in an office in Boise, Idaho.
Cheers, Prost, L’chiam, Slainte, Salud…….