May the fourth…. Be with you.
Whenever I’m around Star Wars psychos I’m a Trekkie and whenever I’m around Star Trek whackos I’m a Jedi.
All I like about Star Trek is saying “engage” like Jean Luc Picard. The best thing about Star Wars is when a kegger of Colt 45 showed up on the Death Star.
Billy Dee Williams and his coolness was the best thing about Star Wars.
Anyway, I don’t want to take anything away from the Star Wars geeks today. Have fun and be careful with your light sabers.
Are there any Mexican Star War fans that follow the Morning Chalkboard? This has got to be your week! You go from fighting in a rebel uprising against Darth Vader straight to defeating Napoleon in the Battle of Puebla.
From a Star Wars bar to a Tequila bar! May the Fourth be with you Hector!
If you really want to mess with a Star Wars or Star Trek fan talk about female genitalia. That will confuse them and get them out of your hair.
That’s all the fun we will spend today on fantasy space travel.
It’s going to be a gorgeous day in Chicagoland. So make it a day to live long and prosper…..