It might be difficult to write a post about a quote that has a question mark. My dad always said it was convenient the Romans crucified Jesus on a cross. They could have used a question mark…. Then every parish would have a question mark hanging above the altar. People would be questioning their faith constantly.
As for today’s quote and speaking of my dad. He often asked me this question, but he added the word “hell” to his question. When I use this sentence I usually add the “F” word.
When I wrote the quote I was thinking more about life and how time moves so quickly.
The other day I ran into a classmate and we mentioned how long ago we were in school together.
“How the hell did that happen so quickly?”
I ran into a colleague that was standing near me on Tuesday, September the 11th in 2001. We couldn’t fathom that this year marks the twenty second anniversary of that dreadful moment in time.
“How the fuck did this happen?”
When George was born all the older parents at our church told me that George will be in high school before you know it.
They were right and how did this happen?
I could write another post on events in our lives and how we ask ourselves, “how did this happen?”, but I’ll stick to the time theme.
As we get older we measure time with larger increments. Five years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago, thirty years ago.
I was working in a kitchen for my summer job in 1984. I remember the day when we celebrated the fortieth anniversary for D-Day. It was June 6th, we had the radio on while we prepped for the lunch crowd.
Forty years ago? That was old fashioned days when everything was in black and white. Next summer will be forty years since I worked at the Manor House Club valet parking cars and pealing potatoes.
Forty years ago wasn’t the old fashioned days. Maybe it was?
We still listened to our music on albums and cassette tapes. My moms telephone still hung on a wall. if you missed “Cheers” or “Hill Street Blues” you had to wait until the summer when they showed repeats. You couldn’t stream “Miami Vice” on Tuesday.
How did this happen?
I really did live in the old fashioned days!
The day will come when Lenny Bruce will not be afraid and I’m gonna ask myself, “how did this happen?”