May is already halfway in the books… there are two lilac bushes at the stoop of my building. This time of the year is when their fragrance fills the air.
The city of my birth has been in decline since Mayor Daley’s son left the fifth floor office. Tonight will be the night Chicago officially dies.
The Shepkids wanted to drive into the city Saturday night and see the lights of the buildings. I couldn’t tell them the truth that it isn’t safe to drive on Lake Shore Drive or Wacker Drive.
We need Nuns, Richard J. and Mr Accardo to return and make the streets safe again.
Geez, a political rant on the Chalkboard… I don’t have anytime to talk about the great Mother’s Day we had with my ex in laws. I was sad when they left and I realized how much they meant to me for many years.
Time to kick start this journey into the end of May…
...Chalkheads start your engines!