Thursday, June 9, 2022

June 9th, 2022

 Time has a funny way of distorting the truth. We might remember things the way they once were, but either the memories, the places or the people from the past don’t live up to our expectations.

Perfect example is the house we grew up in or the park we played at as children.
The memory of these places is grand, but when you visit them as an adult….. we scratch our head and think to ourselves….
“Damn, I remember this to be much bigger.”
Today is National Strawberry-Rhubarb pie day. It’s not even in my top five favorite pies, but if I see one…. I’ll eat a slice in a heartbeat.
I associate strawberry-rhubarb pies to my Gramma and Great Aunties.
Having a slice of their pie and having them around isn’t possible anymore. Though they suddenly come back to life whenever I have a piece of strawberry-rhubarb pie!
When I grab a peppermint Patty at the 7-eleven I think of my dad. What I wouldn’t do right now to have my oldman drive us over to White Hen for a Kay-O and a peppermint Patty!
Do you know Kay-O’s aren’t around anymore?
“When you run out, run out
To White Hen! When you run out of anything…. Run out toooo White Hen!”
Today’s quote comes from Gatsby. I’m reading it for the 27th time. This time I’m reading it out loud with Hazel.
Gatsby realizes Daisy doesn’t match the memories he once had of her.
Times change, people change, memories of our youth never match the expectations of reality.
It’s going to be a gorgeous afternoon in Chicagoland.
Grab something that brings back memories from your past.
Like Harry once said, “Heeeeey everybody! After the Sox game head over to Chicken Unlimited and get yourself a bucket. Then wash it down with some cold Falstaff!”