Monday, June 20, 2022

June 20th, 2022

 Last week when I realized that it wasn’t a joke, we really do have a day off on the Monday after Father’s Day?

I thought…. How great is that!!!
I can hang with the kids on Monday! I can have a gin and tonic after Fathers Day dinner! I can have a cigar…. I can have the sausage trifecta and I can sleep in…
I did have a cigar… I woke up with cotton mouth!
I did have that extra kielbasa…. My ankles are cankles this morning!
I didn’t have a G&T, I had a chocolate shake instead…. My tummy started bitching after midnight.
I didn’t sleep in…. I woke up at 3:45 Monday morning.
I’m programmed to go to work on Monday. Getting the day off doesn’t afford me a pool day with the kids. It costs me to stay home today.
My company doesn’t make money on days off!
It’s fitting that it’s the day after Father’s Day because I sound like Don Shepley this morning.
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!
“Man…. The Monday Morning Chalkboard sucked today!
All Jumbo did was complain!”
I should just write… I just deleted four crappy paragraphs. All I did was bitch and moan. Today I’m going to be short and sweet.
Enjoy your family today. Enjoy a hot Monday and the day off. Tomorrow is Summer Solstice.
In conclusion, use sunscreen today. Your shadow is short. GoldBond your nooks, they’ll be sweaty. Sweep the Shed. You might as well do something productive today!