Last week when I realized that it wasn’t a joke, we really do have a day off on the Monday after Father’s Day?
I thought…. How great is that!!!
I can hang with the kids on Monday! I can have a gin and tonic after Fathers Day dinner! I can have a cigar…. I can have the sausage trifecta and I can sleep in…
I did have a cigar… I woke up with cotton mouth!
I did have that extra kielbasa…. My ankles are cankles this morning!
I didn’t have a G&T, I had a chocolate shake instead…. My tummy started bitching after midnight.
I didn’t sleep in…. I woke up at 3:45 Monday morning.
I’m programmed to go to work on Monday. Getting the day off doesn’t afford me a pool day with the kids. It costs me to stay home today.
My company doesn’t make money on days off!
It’s fitting that it’s the day after Father’s Day because I sound like Don Shepley this morning.
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!
“Man…. The Monday Morning Chalkboard sucked today!
All Jumbo did was complain!”
I should just write… I just deleted four crappy paragraphs. All I did was bitch and moan. Today I’m going to be short and sweet.
Enjoy your family today. Enjoy a hot Monday and the day off. Tomorrow is Summer Solstice.