Monday, June 6, 2022

June 4th, 2022

 Nothing wrong with having an education in mistakes.

Mistakes are made to learn from…
You can put the wrong condiment on a sandwich and suddenly have a new go to lunch favorite.
You can marry the wrong person, but have three great children from the failed results.
I’ve learned peanut butter is pretty good on a hamburger and that I’m a much better father than I was a husband.
Don’t regret making mistakes. Explore your wrong turns and they will become a part of the path you take in life.
When you make mistakes it means that you are trying and trying is a helluva lot better than sitting on your ass.
So go out on the first Saturday of June and make glorious mistakes. The results might be amazing!
The White Sox looked great on paper before the season started. They’ve looked horrible on the field since the season began.
I’ve met guys in life that were Reds fans when they were winning… then they were Red Sox fans, then they were Blue Jay fans, they were Astro fans last year… every year a different hat, a different team.
These are individuals that need to associate themselves with the winning team because they aren’t satisfied in who they are.
In Chicago you see people wearing a Cubs hat year after year or a Sox hat year after year. Be dedicated to a team and win and lose with them….
I will leave you with one last quote before I go off and make my daily mistakes…..
“So be true to your school now
Just like you would to your girl or guy
Be true to your school now
And let your colors fly”