Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 26th, 2022

 I’ve gone to Wrigley and Comiskey many times by myself.

I actually enjoy the solitude of sitting in the ballpark watching the game and not worrying about anything for three hours.
Today I’m taking all three of the Shepkids to the Sox game. Fist time, just me and the kids. Hazel has never been to The Baseball Palace of the World.
The seed will be planted today that will make my daughter reluctant to ever date a cub fan.
The kids will feel at home with the smells in the concourse. They will sing to “Nah, Nah,Nah, Nah… goodbye.”
They will know the team the Sox played today were originally the Saint Louis Browns and they will probably drive home knowing the disappointment of supporting the Pale Hose.
Today is their mother’s 45th birthday. In a forgotten time she would be there wearing my Carlton Fisk jersey, but unfortunately for her she won’t be around.
Thoughts and prayers for Terri as she continues her best Ginger McKenna…
The weather will be picture perfect on this last Sunday of June. The hot dogs smothered in grilled onion. The nacho helmets dripping with golden cheese and for three hours not a care in the world…..
“dad, can we go home
“How much longer?”
“Dad, I don’t want mustard on my hotdog!”
Someday I’ll go to a Sox game again by myself…. With my walker or hopefully just a cane.