Friendship gives life the boost and hug needed to continue forward.
I think the term “best friend” has become awkwardly used. Maybe it’s because I’m entering the Old Fart era of my life and Old Farts don’t call each other BFF’s?!?!
I like going with “dear friend” when I talk about my circle.
I have Dear Friends from the 1970’s and I have Dear Friends from 2017.
The year I started my Exile East of Mannheim.
Eleanor Rigby didn’t have any friends… she was a lonely lady. As I’ve gotten older I feel less sorry and more suspicious of people that lack friendship.
Friendship starts with your parents. We watched them Interact with their friends.
Learning from their example and then teach our children with leading by example.
The circle of life, the circle of friends.
I thought the more friends that I accumulate… the longer the line at Harnett Funeral Home will be when I start working at The Heaven Board of Trade.
Actually it’s the quality of friends that you have. The ones that are next to you when you lose a job, or find out your wife is cheating, or when your parents are dying….
or like last week….
When you have a major adjustment in your life and you get flooded with “what can I do?”
Today is Saturday the 18th of June, 2022. Make a memory with a friend…
I’m making a memory with the Shepkids…. “Dad, can we go see Lightyear tomorrow? It’s gonna be too cold for the pool!”
F**k me! I don’t like Buzz lightyear. I’m from the Woody camp! Though one thing you must always remember no matter if you’re Buzz or Woody…
“You’ve got a friend in me!”