It was another American Day that has torn us apart even further.
Why can’t it be as simple as the Friday night snack?
“ I’m going to make popcorn for the movie tonight….”
And a reply that seemed fitting for the day,
“Dad….. I’d like to have my own choice!”
So Hazel got her bowl of Greek yogurt with Captain Crunch Peanut butter…
Right now my job as a dad is to put clean underwear in the dresser drawer. Make pancakes and pizzas. Give back rubs and say “I Love You.”
The Shepkids will have the common sense and education to handle politics and society in due time.
Yesterday the most important woman in my life had the power to choose Greek yogurt over popcorn.
If the day comes when she might need to make a choice… I hope she comes to me and I’ll drive her wherever she needs to go.