Many Sunday nights around 5:35pm I drove home from dropping the Shepkids off with tears in my eyes.
The first couple years it happened after every exchange of custody. The last year or so it only happens when we had a great weekend.
Last night on the way back home I drove in shock while Hazel and Fritz did the crying.
Around 5:30pm on Sunday their mother told them she didn’t want them anymore. The Shepkids faced the hardest day in their young lives. It was their D-Day.
Now before we start feeling sorry for the Shepkids and offering me support... let’s focus on the problem.
Mental Illness….
I can easily start bashing the Shepkids mom, but what I need to point out is that she is in mental anguish. She was in pain well before we met and being a single mother has been tough for her.
The Shepkids are safe right now in the Divorced Dad District of Riverside. I don’t know what the hell the immediate future brings…
…I do know I won’t be making bacon Sunday mornings in the buff this summer.
I quote a political figure on today’s chalkboard. On an anniversary where many lives changed.
I’d much rather have a screaming Hinsdale girl throwing a temper tantrum than a nazi shooting a rifle at me.
Shepkids D-Day… this morning they’ll wake up and see the chalkboard. That was the original purpose for it anyway.
We’ve come full circle.
Do me a favor and pray for The Shepkids mom. Her mental health needs to be fixed. Many of us have gone through this same kind of family issue.
I’m just the big mouth that brings it out in the open.