Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 8th, 2022

 I wrote this quote on the chalkboard last night after watching the network news.

I’ll admit the tears streamed down my face when they showed the video of the family lying dead in the street.
The little girl was wearing a winter coat that looked like something Hazel wore last winter.
They were trying to find a safe place. The mommy might have said to her children before Putin blew them up, “тримай мене за руку, ми повинні вижити.”
“Hold my hand, we must survive.”
When I was praying this morning it hit me that God doesn’t create the tragedy in our lives. God can’t prevent it either….
God gives us an eternal sanctuary the moment we die. That is the promise given to us in good faith.
Many of you have asked me to pray for you during my Sixty Days for my mom.
I want you to know a fat guy in the Divorced Dad’s District of Riverside was up this morning thinking about you.
Like my rugby brothers and sisters have taught me….. WITH YOU!
I’m your support in faith and friendship.
Who went out and bought cereal yesterday?
I’d give anything for a bowl of cereal and some “School House Rock.” this morning....