Sunday, March 27, 2022

March 27th, 2022

Colonel Nathan R. Jessup screaming, “You can’t handle the truth!” Brings reality into the light.
The world is harsh and the sooner you realize it the stronger you become.
Opportunities occur if you work for them. They don’t come from magical Unicorns and lollipop bushes.
I came home on my first day at the Board of Trade and I hung my trading jacket proudly on the coat rack in our foyer.
When my Oldman got home from work later that evening he grabbed it and looked at it carefully.
He studied it…. He held it up to the hall light… he counted the pockets… he laughed at the picture on the badge…. And He said, “What the hell is this?”
My Dad knew it was a trading jacket, but he was busting my balls and dramatically preparing to lay out some wisdom.
“Son…. Don’t ever think you are some whiz kid financial guy! You are a blue collar worker. Everyone on that trading floor is a blue collar worker. Don’t you ever forget this! The people that call that trading floor are the ones running the show….The Board of Trade is the Union Stockyard without the smell of carcass!”
Over thirty years later and I’m still a blue collar worker that has had a career in one industry.
I’m a Journeyman because my father made sure I knew the difference between a paycheck and a lollipop bush!
Accept reality, learn from your mistakes and treat people nice and you’ll never need a magical Unicorn to save you!
We are starting the last week of March. This week brings the end of the first quarter of 2022. I’m a third of the way into “Sixty Days of Celebrating Cecilia” already.
I hope April brings Peace, Love and Smiles!