Monday, March 21, 2022

March 21st, 2022

        This quote hits the nail.

I think people are their rudest when they are on their lows.
Most people anyway… the others are just complete assclowns that were raised by complete assclowns!
The way we treat people will be the way our kids will treat people.
…..And speaking about raising children.
To all the single mommies out there…..
It’s a tough job!
It’s a tough job emotionally and financially. When you split a family in two it’s hard to get ahead.
Being a single parent is a tough roll.

To all the single daddies out there……
It’s a lose-lose situation!
You lose time with your children and your ex wife tells everyone you’re a deadbeat POS.

Before my Oldman passed away he made me promise to be a better ex husband. That was the hardest thing Don Shepley ever asked me to do.
Being an ex husband is like running from headhunters through a forest and you run into quicksand. There are no laugh tracks and The Skipper and Professor won’t show up with a vine to pull you out.
So single parents… take a deep breath. Your marriage failed, but you are not a failure.
It’s going to be a warm day in Chicagoland… go out and live!
Buy the family a pizza!