Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 7th, 2022

 I heard a Ukrainian Rabbi say today’s quote over the weekend. It’s an old Yiddish Proverb.

Then I asked myself, “if I was forced into a difficult situation would I be able to survive?”
I haven’t faced a life threatening situation at any time in my life.
I look back at any tough situation that I faced and I’m still here. I’ve been lucky….
Many of you messaged me about putting you onto my prayer list during the next Sixty Days. I talked about you with my mom this morning.
My mom still doesn’t like how I drop F Bombs when I pray, but she has your back regardless.
National Cereal Day….. I buy a box of “Honeycombs” and a box of “Captain Crunch Peanut butter.” I mix them together for my go to cartoon cereal. I’ve been doing this since the Nixon Administration.

What is your go to cereal?