Monday, March 14, 2022

March 13th, 2022

 The first week for Cecilia is coming to a close. The hardest part happened last night when I was preparing Hazel’s Saturday night steak…. Yes I know, spoiled. I’m the Disneyland Daddy.

It was hard cutting the Princess’ steak without a taste test. Luckily it wasn’t poisoned and the Princess is sleeping soundly in her kingdom along the DesPlaines River.
I’ve done a lot of praying this week. Don’t worry I’m not becoming a bible thumper.
I prayed for many of you and if you asked me to pray for you… Alleluia… my mom is with you.
I’m in the process of reevaluating a couple things that I wasn’t planning on approaching.
I’m often transparent on the Morning Chalkboard, but you’ll need to buy the book or at least buy me an Old Style after May 6th if you want to know.
How about this F’ing quote today? I pulled it out of my ass!
(This last sentence is to prove I am not becoming a Bible thumper!)
I Googled “quote on re-evaluation” and it was the fifth or sixth one down.
What kind of statue will I leave when I’m gone?
Will people grieve when my tools are set aside?
Will my grandchildren become “woke” and destroy it?
The statues in the museum have men with muscles and large fig leafs. The women are voluptuous and full of life.
What museum will want a statue with a rounded love roll and a little fig leaf?
Or will my statue end up scattered in the sand like Ozymandias?
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is JumboLove, Lover of hot dogs;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
We are already into the middle of March… clocks are sprung ahead…. Monday is Pi day, Tuesday beware the Ides, Thursday Saint Patrick and in three weeks the Riverside Rocker checks his chlorine levels.
Have a fantastic Mid March, fill out your brackets and chip away carefully on your marble butt!