Monday, October 25, 2021

October 25th, 2021

       I came home when I still lived under my dads roof on a Friday evening after dinner. Big smile on my face from an afternoon of drinking with the work guys. I was stopping home to freshen up and meet the guys in the neighborhood.

       “What the hell are you so happy about son?”
He knew I was several sheets to the wind…. so with a slightly intoxicated reply, “Dad…. It’s Friday night!”

     From that moment on and until this day I hear my dads voice on Friday night saying, “Oh, Okay, is that all?…. Just remember… Monday is two days away!”

                               !!Monday is two days away!!
       Thanks Dad….. for blowing my weekend for the rest of my life.

      Let Monday set the tone for the rest of the week. I will say I’m not going to enjoy any conversation on Bear football, Blackhawk hockey, USA rugby or Alec Baldwin’s manslaughter!
At least the Hammers won and there are two EPL guys in our trading room!