I just spent fifteen minutes chalking four paragraphs on division in the world. Specifically, the fifty/fifty split of hatred in America.
I took four seconds erasing it.
Why give it attention on the Chalkboard?
I often tell the Shepkids that there was hatred before we showed up and there will be hatred after we are gone.
This is my gay friend, Randy.
This is my Mexican friend, Javier.
This is my Black friend, Tyrone.
This is my lesbian friend, Rita.
This is my liberal friend, Stargazer.
This is my conservative friend, Stevenson.
I don’t care if your black friend is gay but votes Republican!
As long as they use their turn signals and chew with their mouths closed, I’m happy you get along with them.
I do have one exception when it comes to labeling a friendship.
Sport team affiliation….
I have Packer friends that I love dearly.
I have Redwing fans that I think the world of.
I have Cleveland Indian buddies that can count on me anytime.
I even have a pal that likes the Knicks and cringes when I show up in my Reggie Miller jersey.
Life gets shorter with every get up. I’ve been able to dwindle my hatred down as I’ve gotten older. I don’t even hate meatloaf as much as I did when I was a kid.
Turn on the radio, it is Two for Tuesday. Go get tacos with Juan. He knows where the best taco stands are in Chicago.