Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 13th, 2025

 The changing of Presidential administrations often brings volatility to the market. We have seen that on our trading floor in the recent weeks.

I was busy Sunday night at seven o’clock when the markets opened for the overnight session. However, it was the three thousand lot that I was working in my dreams this morning that has brought me to this chalkboard.
The trading floor was open for about two and a half months in 2020. Finally closing because of Covid on March 13th, 2020. Those seventy days or so into this truculent new decade enabled me to say that I worked on the trading floor for five decades.
The eighties, the nineties, the zeroes, the teens and the twenties.
I guess I’m pretty lucky to still work on a makeshift floor to this day.
I ended up getting filled on my nightmarish three thousand lot this morning. I think I had an error doing so and woke up quickly. I abruptly went from prices on a quote board to my alarm clock showing 2:47am.
Fortunately errors in a dream only cost about forty-five minutes of sleep and not thousands of dollars.
I miss the trading cards with the blue side for buy and the red side for sell. I miss the raised octagonal shaped trading pits placed inside an open outcry amphitheater. I miss filling orders by word of mouth and not by hitting “enter.”
The computer screen has taken that all away. Standing on a top step and filling three thousand lots only happens in dreams nowadays.
Well, I better stop chalking and go get my trading jacket.
And ironically, my computer down the hall just made a sound that a big trade just occurred.
Buy low in Chicago and sell high in New York. Get long in London and short in Singapore….
Full moon tonight, it is the Wolf moon, so howl loud.