The other day I received a text from Fritz. He was excited to tell me how he did one of the craziest things that he has ever done.
He threw a snowball at his school bus after school. It hit just below the window and it startled one of his nerd buddies.
Sophomore in high school and the most daring thing he has done in his life is throw a snowball at a school bus.
“Have you ever done something that crazy when you were fifteen dad?”
…. “No son, that is way over my crazy level when I was fifteen.”
I then received a big smiley face text that confirmed that Fritz was happy that he one upped his Oldman.
Alright, alright you guys that knew me forty and fifty years ago!
I took the liberty of bullshiting my son.
I couldn’t tell him I skitched home after school on a day it snowed ten inches in Chicago. All the fifth graders were doing it.
I couldn’t tell Fritz how me and the Christ the King boys threw snowballs at buses from the Monon Bridge in eighth grade.
I couldn’t tell him that I could write fifty “Hail Mary’s” in fifteen minutes. Something perfected in after school detention.
I sure as hell couldn’t tell him that I tried a little grass, kissed a little snatch and “Little Kings” was my beer of choice when I was a sophomore in high school.
I will let Fritz continue to believe he was one wild and crazy guy.
The shitshow that I put my parents through….
… I am blessed at this point.
Someday that kid is going to rip the lid off of life and spill out the gusto. I hope I get a text message from him when that happens.
When that day comes, I will tell him how far he has gone from his first snowball at the school bus in 2025.
Recently I asked Fritz to put the vacuum back in the closet for me. He came in the kitchen and told me that it was done. Then he asked me if that was one of those beer bong things on the shelf of the closet.
“Yeah Fritz… that’s mine and don’t touch it!”
He sheepishly replied, “No way dad, I only drink root beer.”
I know, I know… you Chalkheads are wondering why a fifty-eight year old father still has a beer bong.
Well… you just never know when the Cathedral guys are going to come over with a couple cases of “Little Kings.” Maybe they’ll splurge and grab some “Moosehead?”
I’m glad that I’ll be in heaven when the Shepkids start reading old Chalkboards.
Time to go act mature and make people think I’m kind of smart….
… and the rumors aren’t rumors if they are true!
Look at that sunset time baby!