I went to get Betty the Green Blazer some gas and a car wash this morning. The line was already ten deep when I pulled up to the gate.
I paid for a deluxe wash and waited patiently in line, but the line wasn’t moving. I’m about six back with cars already in the shoot.
Five minutes… ten minutes…. Fifteen minutes? WTF!
By this time, there are twenty cars behind me and I can see the impatience starting to spill amongst the parked cars in line.
Finally, a kid comes out of the building and starts talking to the stranded drivers waiting for a car wash.
He walks up to Betty and I with a big stoner smile and a couple rings in his nose.
“Hey sir… our door is stuck and we won’t be able to get it fixed for a couple hours..”
“Okay kid, can I come back later and get a car wash?”
“I got you sir!”
Another kid that was high as a kite as well started directing cars through an emergency exit.
I was lucky to be ten cars deep this morning. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that are stuck IN the car wash.
If this is the worst thing that happens to me today….
… it’s going to be a fanfuckingtastic day!
Rarely does it payoff to be last in line, not this time!
Today’s quote reminds me of something I learned from rugby, Sweep the Sheds.
Always find something to do.
Tonight is Burns Night.
Listen to bagpipes, read some poetry by Scotland’s famous writer, eat some haggis and finish with “Auld Lang Syne,” which was written by Robert Burns.