Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17th, 2025

   Two words came into play when I was chalking down today’s quote.

Regret and adversity
(I just erased five paragraphs full of mumbo/jumbo that didn’t belong in words on a Friday morning.)
Let’s avoid traffic jams, long lines at Costco and arguing with assclowns these next few days.
I found a really good recipe for eggplant parm, but I have the Shepkids this weekend.
Pancakes, pizza, Dinonuggies, hotdogs and grilled cheese will be the big requests over this cold wintery long weekend.
I wanted to get Betty washed up, but every Dildo on the west side and his brother-in-law was already in line at the car wash.
Maybe today before it gets cold again.
Be true to your school and let your colors fly. Throw some meat in the crockpot, some favorite music on the record machine and tell a shit ton of people that you love them.