Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16th, 2025

 The hurricane that took a path of destruction from Florida up to the Appalachian coast last September. The wildfires that are currently destroying the Los Angeles area.

Unpopular presidential administrations, Islamic terrorism, violent crime, stock market crashes….
These all come and go, but life must still move along. We must stomp through the darkness to get to the light.
Personal things that hit closer to home like a terminally ill child or the death of a parent.
These are all extreme examples of life’s worst moments. They will continue to come in waves. There will be more hurricanes and wildfires in 2025. Death is always lurking at the doorstep.
I came home to my Oldman’s house for a weekend when he had visitation back in 1983. He asked me what I wanted to do while I was home.
I replied, “I wanna have fun, fun, fun dad!”
His reaction has stayed with me for the rest of my life.
He looked at me with that pissed off, you gotta be shitting me look that he perfected with fatherhood and said,
“Life doesn’t allow you to have fun when you want it. Life gives you a glimpse at fun, that is when you can have fun. Most of the time you are going to get kicked in the throat. You better have your head out of your ass having fun son because a foot is always aimed at your head…”
That speech in the family room at 220 South Lombard has resonated with me to this day.
Wow…… I got all of this from reading over some Hemingway last night and chalking down what I concluded.
What the hell is that Greek or Latin phrase in the Grabber section this morning?
Deus ex machina
Have you ever read a book or watched a movie when something unexpectedly enters at the end of the story?
A person or an event that drastically changes everything all together.
The plot has suddenly changed. The problem is instantly solved. Love has returned, gramma is healed, the lost dog has come back home, the backup quarterback scores, the band gets back together.
Life brings us our own deus ex machina. Don’t expect to find it, you won’t find it…
…it finds you.
It could be worse… you could have woken up thinking today is Friday like I did.
Chicagoland is getting a tiny heatwave before the next arctic blast. Expect long lines at the car wash.
Keep on keepin’ on. The playwright writing your story gave you the perfect part to play.
Sometimes we have a comedy.
Somedays a tragedy...
Be passionate, cry when needed and laugh on cue.