At the dawn of Facebook I had a tradition that I did every November. Each day leading up to Thanksgiving I would write a post about something I was thankful for. It could be anything…. A friend, a meal, an event, a place or an activity.
I haven’t done it the last few years, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thankful.
I have an old friend that is doing it again this year. He has been thankful for his parents, his children, his career and things in his past that brought him great joy.
Yesterday I posted a picture of a bar in the loop that I once frequented. It had more likes than the Chalkboard. It brought back good memories for many people, but for Moskos CJ, it was the subject for what he was thankful for yesterday.
He saw a picture and it brought back stellar memories of his years working in the city.
Two things: Chris, it makes me happy that you are continuing the Thanksgiving tradition….
.….and it also gave me a sense of accomplishment that a picture of Cavanaugh's made you feel fuzzy.
Of all the places we hoisted up lagers in, we never crossed paths in the Monadnock Building. Blame it on trader hours versus banker hours.
If there is something that I’m thankful for this morning, it would be the friendship that I have with a group of guys from the southwest corner of Oak Park…. The Wild Turkeys.
We went from turning twenty one to becoming empty nesters together. So today’s quote is fitting how I feel about all the guys from Maple Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue. It’s a line from a song by a group of brothers made famous in a movie from the late 1970’s.
Today is National Harvey Wallbanger Day. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a Wallbanger, but it’s got to be better than Malort.
Enjoy the humping today and go tell someone that you’re thankful to know them…..