Monday, November 13, 2023

November 13th, 2023

 Throughout our lives we encounter a Lucy van Pelt from time to time. The first meeting with Lucy was in grade school. She came back at one point in our career.

…and some of us might have mistakenly married Ms. van Pelt.
If that is the case the odds are that marriage failed.
Every time you think that this is the time you’re going to kick that football….
…it gets pulled away and you land on your back. And just like Charlie Brown, I too have a Lucy that loves to tempt me with a field goal attempt.
Unlike Charlie Brown, I have learned to settle for the two point conversion. There will be a time when Lucy offers me another chance. When that time comes and I go for two… the latchkey will reside in Riverside.
It is a Monday in the middle of November. Be ready to fall on any fumbles. Be prepared to ruck over.
Be prepared for a prick to cut in front of you without a turn signal.
Don’t be tempted to kick Lucy’s football and please don’t be tempted to kick Lucy in the head.
…and if Peppermint Patty calls to invite herself, her girlfriend and the one black kid in the neighborhood over for Thanksgiving, have the balls to tell her that you’re going to your Gramma’s house.
I put the smile on the sun this morning. Let it shine down on your Monday.