The day we’ve all been dreading has fallen on the calendar. The long dark and cold days of winter are soon upon us.
Today the team that I’ve loved since 1972 is playing the team I’ve liked since 1990. I’m not sure who to root for.
The team that I love has broken my heart over and over again.
The team that I like showers me with Mardi Gras beads and hurricanes.
A year from today we will be voting for the next President of the United States. Have fun picking from the pile of assclowns that are running.
We change the clocks back in 126 days on March 10th. In the meantime, enjoy the TurkeyBowl, have yourself a merry little Christmas and ring in a better year for the world.
Today’s quote is a simple one from Billy Shakes. It comes from his comedy “All’s Well That Ends Well.”
Everyone deserves love. Trust is something you must earn and being kind sure makes things easier.
My Oldman always said, “The two biggest gifts a man can have is the love of a woman and the trust of a child.”
He also said, “Be kind to everyone unless they are an asshole… then just say, ‘Have a nice day asshole!’”
Have a beautiful Sunday and a solid week…. Put the smile on the sun and always use your turn signal.