Waking up at 12:30 in the morning after an already long and exhausting start to the week isn’t good.
Like taking the keys away from someone who has been drinking. I should probably hand the piece of chalk to someone else. This is going to be a bitter and anxious entry to The Morning Chalkboard.
I have a job that I take too seriously. I’ve missed three days this year. One for a court date with Miss Hinsdale of 1995. She didn’t even show up. The second one was for a stress test and heart evaluation and the third day was to take care of a sick child. I would love to take a fourth, fifth, sixth day and walk a path without repetition.
I have a beautiful son that has been with me everyday for the last two years. In those two years he has spent about six hours with his other parent.
He keeps me grounded…. sometimes that’s a good thing. Most of the time I just worry how I’m going to prepare him to use his own wings. His feathers are arranged in a pattern that clash across the sky.
I try to leave politics and bitching out of this blog, but those last couple paragraphs sure sound like a crybaby at work.
I just humped a long Monday for someone else who at the end of the day tried pissing on my leg.
Oh shit… there I go bitching again…
It’s now almost 2:30am and I still can’t get to sleep. I’m up for the rest of this cold Tuesday.
I’ll be making breakfast and lunch for my Georgie Boy in about ninety minutes. I’ll shit, shower and shave…. Then off with Betty the Green Blazer to my trading floor in a building in the suburbs. No train, no art deco lobby, no colorful trading jackets. Just a boring building with a duck pond.
That path that I mentioned up above before the last paragraphs full of complaints… It would be nice if it led to a cabin surrounded by pines. Maybe from the French Quarter to the Saint Charles Streetcar. I could go for a beignet and a cup of coffee right now.
This piece of chalk has been good therapy early this morning. Thanks for letting me give you a piece of my mind that hopefully leads to a peace of mind.
If I can get about 45 minutes of sleep before the alarm goes off. I’ll be good to go. I can sleep when I get to heaven.
Just keep on setting good examples and putting the smile on the sun…. That’s what today brings.