Wednesday, December 28, 2022

December 16th, 2022

 On March 13th 2020 Covid closed our trading floor. On October 3rd of 2020 Covid killed my father. Even after those two life changing moments I still thought this Asian flu thing was a political hacky sack.

I finally tested positive on March 1018th, 2020 or December 13, 2022.
I’ve been lucky compared to the million people that didn’t make it. For me Covid has been a vacation to my couch.
I can type three more paragraphs on Covid, but the hell with that I say!
Miracle is the theme today. Just last week I brought up the famous Al Michaels quote, “Do you believe in Miracles?”
One of my favorite songs is the Jefferson Starship tune “Miracles” from 1975. It had a three minute version that we heard on WLS and it had a six minute version on the album.
The first time I heard the longer version I was intrigued with what I never heard on the car radio while driving to Jewels with my Ma.
“I had a taste of the real world…When I went down on you, girl, oh.”
Can you hear a nine year old John Shepley asking his ex nun mom what that meant? She would have shit and then she would have killed me.
I didn’t think it was much of a miracle years later when pubic hairs scratched the roof of my mouth the first time.
I’m not sure this was ever a Don Shepley quote, butt……..
Don’t let a mouthful of pubic hairs stop you from performing your next miracle in life.
Christians are preparing for the miracle of the Christ Child this next week. A Virgin sees angels and becomes pregnant. She gives birth to the Son of God in a barn with a huge Star shining above it.
Next thing you know….. 1,970 years later….. you are getting up early on a Sunday to serve 8:00 o’clock mass.
That’s a miracle, but until the day we die will still be a mystery of our Faith.
…And yes I did talk about oral sex and the birth of Jesus just paragraphs apart.
You wonder what I want to do when my Covid restrictions are lifted?
You guessed it!
Go to 8:00 o’clock mass!
“Guess who's back?
Back again
Jumbo’s back
Tell a friend!”