I want to get one of those 3D printers so I can make new statues for my Nativity scene. I want to make figurines of people that I spent Christmas with during my life. People who don’t have gifts under the tree anymore. People that don’t have a seat at the Christmas table anymore.
Typical Chicago guy who happens to be juggling fatherhood and bachelorhood. An old trading floor broker that drives around in Betty the Green Blazer and lives by a river. Most of the stories are life lessons that will make you Laugh, Cry and Think. The "Chalkboard" is a daily post from the blackboard hanging in my kitchen. It has become my therapeutic tool that starts the morning with accomplishment and a positive beginning to the day. All Chalkheads are welcome to enjoy the ride.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
December 25th, 2022
My Grampa and Gramma, my Mom and Dad, my Uncle Charlie… people at one time in my life who told me to get my elbows off the table.
I’d move the three wiseman to the side and kick the shepherd and a couple farm animals out of the Holy Barn. I’d put my family right next to the Holy Family. My parents, Uncles, Aunts and grandparents could still be part of Christmas.
Christmas is the time to spend with family before they become figurines in the Nativity scene. Christmas is the time to make memories with loved ones that might be in heaven next Christmas or the Christmas of 2033.
Most of my loved ones were at the real nativity last night. I could hear my dad turn to Jesus and say, “Jesus Christ, you were a beautiful little baby. What the hell happened to you?”
… and Jesus replied, “Well Don, you might have heard. I took an ass kicking on a rainy Friday so you can be here today.”
Heaven actually has those awkward moments during Christmas as well.
Today we are going to create awkward moments and special memories in Riverside. The Shepkids and I are going to have Christmas Day with their Grandparents.
Not that they are anywhere close to being put through a 3D scanner… but…. George won’t be 16 ever again. Fritz won’t be 13 and Hazel, well Hazel won’t be 9.
PopPop and JoJo are coming to hangout with their Grandchildren. The last Christmas I spent with PopPop and JoJo was when George Michael died. Which reminds me, I’ll need his figurine for the Nativity scene when I get this 3D printer deal hooked up.
If you have someone in your life that can become a figurine sooner than later… enjoy their love while you can. Put your elbows on the table and get yelled at.
Today… I’m going to make a nice dinner, mix some cocktails and watch my Shepkids make memories with their grandparents…. Because Christmas of 1973, 1978, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1998, 2007, 2013 and 2022 all fade together and make up one Christmas memory captured in the Nativity…