Monday, December 12, 2022

December 12th, 2022

 My alarm during the week goes off at 3:33am to the voice of Marvin Gaye singing “Sexual Healing.”

333 is an Angel Number that symbolizes the Holy Trinity and The Shepkids. The two things that give me faith and strength to wake up for.
Before my feet hit the floor I say good morning to my mom and dad. Then I flip my big ass out of bed and when my feet hit the floor I tell the Devil to blow me.
In a matter of seconds I have my support team in heaven covering my back and Satan and his demons worried that I’m going to fuck up their day… which I strive to do.
As for this getting old bullshit… don’t buy into it! I’ve been waking up for 20,618 days. That is along time ago. Give me another 10,247 and I’ll make my goal of Thanksgiving, 2051.
So if I round it off I’m two thirds of the way through my life. That is 10,000 days of getting older, getting closer to heaven and getting a chance to spread JumboLove.
That’s what keeps me from getting old!
Today is Ding-A-Ling Day… it’s the day when you call someone in your life that you once talked to everyday, but seldom talk to presently.
I think that would be Bobby Grilliot. It’s definitely not the Hinsdale girl who went to KU.
Go spread your love, watch for Santa Claus, get older and call a dear friend from your past.
…..and Happy Monday!