A positive word thrown around this week is always BELIEVE.
Do you Believe in Santa Claus? Do you Believe in the Christ Child? Do you Believe a one day supply of oil lasted for eight days?
The answer is Yes, Yes and Yes.
The problem is the negative word that creeps into our lives during this Holy seasons…. DOUBT.
I doubt that delivery is going to make it on time. I doubt this Christmas dinner will taste good. I doubt the kids will like their presents. I doubt Christmas will be smooth because the forecast calls for a blizzard before Christmas and Arctic conditions during Christmas.
Well erase all your doubt because Santa has the spirit of love guiding him across the world and into our hearts.
The Jewish kid will attract wiseman and shepherds while a bright star shines from heaven and into our hearts.
Not only will the one day supply of oil for your lamps last for eight days… it will last every day and brighten your Menorah and fill your heart will hope and love.
Believers never Doubt….