I have some hindsight now after five years away from marriage. The biggest weakness that I brought to the table was immaturity.
It is a big flaw to admit because it holds you back in all areas in your life. Education, career, relationships….
I look even further in life and I’ll go forty five years to the possible culprit. My parents divorce.
My dad once told me that was when he saw me change. That was when the Altar Boy became a little prick… in his own words.
Due to Don and Cecilia’s failed marriage I changed Catholic Grade Schools several times. I was always jealous of my friends that went to the same school all eight years.
As I got older I realized how
lucky that I was to have met three different groups of friends from three different places.
Fourth and Fifth grade I found myself at Saint Francis de Sales on the Eastside. Long story how we ended up there.
I buddied with a kid named Paul. It was right after my parents divorced. During the thirty months we lived on Avenue E the Cypher family held my fragile hand.
A hard working steel mill family let me eat dinner, sleep over and watch television at their home. They comforted me during that first period of instability in my young life.
Mr. Cypher went to heaven recently and today’s quote was something he said to his family often. It was used in his eulogy.
It just goes to show you how we can touch someone’s life and make it better. In a two year span nearly forty five years ago a family in the parish lent my mom a hand.
That’s the good in the world. RIP Cyph!
Back to the immaturity…. Too late to change. I go to work, I raise my family, I help my friends and I fuck around too much.
I’m your friend with the “I
Hot Mom’s” sticker on a 1997 Chevy Blazer. Everyone needs a guy like me!

Drink a cold beer today… it’s allowed!