A little Billy Shakes on the first crisp Saturday of Autumn. The quote is from “Hamlet” and has always stood out as not just the central theme of the play, but the uncertainty of life as well.
We know what we are doing on Saturday, September 24th in the year 2022, but we don’t have a clue what we will be doing on September 24th, 2023.
We have zero clue what comedy or tragedy awaits us in the coming months.
I thought maybe I’ll live the next twelve months in a Melodrama. So I looked up the definition of Melodrama.
- a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions.
This is exactly how I live my life!
The drama is sensational, I hangout with eclectic friends and every morning I take the road to excitement. This is how I will live my days…..
Unlike Ophelia, I know what my future brings.
I do see something bright these days….. Less plexiglass!
The plastic spit guards that have barricaded our lives the last two years are finally starting to disappear.
Maybe we can come up with Shakespearean symbolism to describe the plexiglass period of the early 2020’s?
“Thou shall bringest down thy flimsy fake film of glass and breath thy filth and disgust onto my formidable facade. For the time has cometh to knockdown what shields our Insecurities and lack of trust from within our deeper anxiousness.”
“Jumbo” Act 56, Scene 9