I always thought if I could take a time machine I’d go back to when I was twelve.
Summer before 7th grade… start changing things around during that time in my life. Then things would have been better.
You get the hand you’re dealt with and those are the cards you have to play.
I really should go back even further and just rearrange the whole Ancestry dot com family tree. That would stir things up!
I know my relationship with God. I have beautiful children and a helluva group of friends.
I drive a 1997 Chevy Blazer with a “I
Hot Moms” bumper sticker to a job that I love in an industry I’ve been in since the 1980’s. An industry that changed course and my sails were positioned perfectly.

So I’ll pass on the time machine and go with the uncertainty of the future because the past is the past.