Monday, September 12, 2022

September 12th, 2022

 Saturday I told you to live like it’s the last day of your life. Everyday should be treated like it’s your September 10th.

Today is your September 12th. This was the day twenty one years ago that brought a nation together.
We prayed together, cried together, did shots together and we lifted each other upward. There was an eagerness to throw down our differences and pick up a shovel and dig out.
Live everyday like it’s September 10th and keep the spirit of September 12th in your heart. Sandwich the grief with love from the 10th and togetherness from the 12th.
A year ago today heaven was filled with the soul of Wags…. Not a day has passed without being WAGStrong….. he had the opportunity to die before he died.
Yes, you read that correctly….
When he came back from the first death he brought back a deeper love of the Holy Spirit. He told us all that the Holy Spirit demands of us to forgive each other.
Powerful message and a gift from God. In life and in death John Wagner was a gift. Always stay WAGStrong and try hard to forgive the assholes in your life.
Yes….. even the one from Hensdale.
It’s a dreary Autumnal Monday… a win is a win and the Bears pulled one out of their backside.
Pay forward with the Spirit of the 12th today…….