Monday, September 12, 2022

September 11th, 2022

 I was watching a movie recently that had a character that was dying. Over and over I’m hearing “he only has days to live” again “he only has days to live.”

I sat there watching this guy who had “only days left to live” and thought….days left? That’s all we really do have!
Now you’re thinking, “Jeez, Shepley you’ve been in a dark period these last few posts!”
Last week when the Queen died she completed 35,204 days. Twenty one years ago today a guy I knew died on his 12,102 day.
So an Irish kid from Brooklyn lived 33 years and The Queen of England 96 years.
This morning I woke up on my 20,506 day. I wouldn’t mind kicking out another 10,000.
My point this morning isn’t for you to wake up with Debbie Downer. I’m just trying to put a different look at living life.
I’m probably going to be talking about life and death matters on Monday as well. Tomorrow is the first death anniversary of someone who stuck around for 20,735 days.
Like Don Shepley always said, “Work your ass off son, enjoy the solemn time, trudge through the dark times and try not to be an asshole!”
So that’s all I’m trying to do with these precious days that I have left.
….And maybe try different ice cream flavors from time to time.
Bear Down Bear fans! Be a Grabowski’s today! Cherish the days left that the Bears play on the lake.
It’s been 13,377 day since SuperBowlXX….