Monday, September 12, 2022

September 10th, 2022

 The quote today is from Elizabeth the Great from her speech after the Islamic terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Today is September 10th… September 10th was the last full day for over 3,000 people twenty one years ago.
None of them knowing it was their last day.
I went to work on that Monday and played softball that night at Ridgeland Commons with my Wild Turkeys.
None of us know when our September 10th will be. We might not know when it will be, but we have an idea what we will be doing that day.
How? Just
Do what you do!
Do what you love everyday. Don’t skip a day…. If you are doing what you love… where you love… with those you love.
When your September 10th arrives those left to grieve will say you were doing what you do best…..Love!
Alright… no more sappy shit! Go out and give in to small temptations!
Go to the bakery and get a cannoli. Stop in the cigar shop. Buy that new purse or pair of shoes. Get a beer at the tavern. Grab your lover and listen to Starland Vocal Band.
You Be You, because it’s September 10th. Live everyday like September 10th.
Take the dogs for a walk in Park Slope Brooklyn and tuck your family in for the night. Because that’s what you loved to do OB… and that’s what OB did on his September 10th…