A person once told me I will never change… that I have no room to grow.
About a week later I changed addresses.
Change is good, growth is good and acquiring knowledge as we get older is even more gooder!
( I meant to spell it that way Mr. Young and Bennet Weaver.)
I can continue to type three more paragraphs on how change is good, but I’m going to change the subject.
Can you believe it’s been thirty four years since the lights went up at Wrigley Field? It seems like yesterday when Jody Davis, Les Lancaster, Al Nipper, and Greg Maddux were skidding across the infield tarp.
Just another example of how change is good. Think where the Cubs and Wrigleyville would be without lights?
The neighborhood would still be a dump and not the Disneyland it has become.
No Guns and Roses concerts when the Cubs are out of town and the Cubs would probably be in last place.
So change is good….
Don’t worry Cub fans… the Sox attendance still sucks compared to yours…
Bring an umbrella and GoldBond up your thigh gaps… it’s just another manic Monday.