We are in the post dog days of summer transitioning into a new school year and a new season.
My mom made me a bowl of oatmeal on the first day of school from kindergarten through Senior year. I sure could go for a bowl of her oatmeal.
I always welcome autumn every year. It’s my favorite season, but I’m having a hard time letting go of the Summer of ‘22. I haven’t had a remarkable or memorable summer since the 1990’s. That might sound sad, but since 9/11 and throughout my marriage summers were monotonous.
I’ve enjoyed the pictures this week of your kids starting their new year or going away to college. Our kids give us life, they give us hope. That’s the bonus of friendship… being that family friend, sometimes being called “Uncle Jumbo.”
We slide into the back half of August together. Let’s enjoy the length of the days and the angles of our shadows as they stretch into autumn.
I’m drinking the White Sox punch this week. Same Concoction they serve to loyal fans every year. Get your hopes up before they smash them on the dugout floor… but anyway, Let’s Go Go Go White Sox!