Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 22nd, 2022

 It never fails… I was having a bad dream and suddenly my pillow moved and I wake up at 2:22am.

222 is the Angel number my mom uses to let me know she’s with me.
Yeah I know…. Jumbo spiritual stuff! Whack job Monday…. Break my balls, but I see my parents more from heaven than I did the last years they were on earth.
Like the little kid with Bruce Willis…. “I see dead people!”
Anyway my mom was there right before a squadron of demons were about to get me.
If only she could make me a bowl of oatmeal and put jelly on my toast!
It’s Monday and it’s going to be a spectacular day in Chicagoland. We are losing minutes off the days at an alarming rate.
I’m declaring today Margarita Monday and a day to grill a couple burgers and enjoy the warm August sun!