Sunday, August 14, 2022

August 14th, 2022

 Do we get to reinvent ourselves throughout life or do we just age through the years?

The girl who sang this song in 1983 has reinvented herself at least a half dozen times.
What is the difference between a pop star and a divorced dad?
I had the bowl haircut era, the mullet era, the flattop era, the Kid and play era, the shaved head era and the Boris Johnson era.
I’ve changed just as much as Madonna!
The one fashion I missed out on was the Parachute Pants era. They didn’t sell those in the Husky department at Penny’s.
I wasn’t the first guy on the trading floor with a goatee, but I sure as hell wasn’t the last….
When I first walked on the trading floor all the guys were trying to grow that Mike Ditka/Jonathon Brandmeir mustache. When the trading floor closed guys were walking around with Confederate Soldier beards.
We went from the guy with a little coke in his pocket to a guy staring at his iPhone. That whole time I dressed like I did in Catholic high school.
Madonna Louise Ciccone has evolved from a post disco dancer to a diva mistress to a gramma that likes sex.
The only difference between us is I’m not a gramma…. Just a divorced dad.
I need a holiday!