I’ve always believed in the power of prayer. My parents taught me how to pray before I could wipe my butt.
My Gramma Loretta had a string of prayers before every meal. You better know her prayers if you wanted your ham and green beans.
Then she’d have prayers after dinner, but she wasn’t stupid. We’d say them after dinner, but before dessert. So if you wanted dessert you better be thankful and blessed.
The Virgin Mary was always my go to recipient when I needed a boost from heaven. Sometimes Jesus, sometimes Saint John and when I needed the big guns I’d go straight to Poppa God.
Today is the feast of the Assumption. It is the day the Mother of God ascends into heaven. It’s a big day in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
The Christian historians don’t know exactly when Mary died. About four hundred years after the time of Christ some guy picked August 15th. Perfect date for an end of summer bash and a blessing of the summer crops!
“Heavenly FATHER, Bless my soybeans…. Jesus, Bless my wheat… Mary Mother of God, Bless the corn.”
I still talk to Jesus’ mom occasionally, but since my parents left for eternity I’ve been going straight to them.
It’s good having a person close to the top. Why bother the Heaven Big Brass? I’ll have my dad meet God for breakfast and talk about my situation. My mom can go for walk with Mary and talk about the Shepkids.
I’d send my Gramma, but she’d pray Poppa God’s ear off. For heaven’s sake Gramma just hand God the zucchini bread and tell him I need help!
Go out there today and celebrate the BVM…. Celebrate the middle of August… celebrate the kids are off to school.
August is halfway over. Soon the sweater drawer will open. Wood piles stacked neatly next to the garage.
….Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.