Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 28th, 2022

 It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood so why not quote Fred from down the block.

Sunday morning and we are starting out with a grammar review?
Love can be a noun, love can be a verb. It can also be an adjective when you are loving.
Love is the hardest thing to do in life. It’s easy to hate, that’s why it seems so dominant in the world.
Love is a second job…. Either you put the effort into it or it dies.
You put the effort in on a daily basis and you celebrate fifty years of marriage. You don’t put the effort in and you mark “divorced” on a medical form.
Mr Rogers showed us love. He showed us how to love each other. He showed us how to love music and art and the daily grind of life.
Unfortunately as adults we don’t have a Mr Rogers. We have shit imposters like Doctor Phil, Jerry Springer, Oprah, Dr Oz and Ellen.
Enjoy today like you’re walking down the block in a hurry to get home and change into a sweater and your gym shoes.
Today is Roxie Roker Day… the mom of Lenny Kravitz. George Jefferson’s neighbor down the hall married to the big old honkey. Happy heavenly birthday Roxie!
Last Sunday in August of ‘22. Labor Day Weekend is coming up. Bears are offered at 6.5, I bought 50 last night! Bear Down….